A.R.Style Gloria Flying Angel (Dana)

A.R.Style Gloria Flying Angel (Dana)    trophy

2X CAC, 1X Klub winner

A.R.Style Gloria Flying Angel (Dana)    dana-1

Russian import
CH J RUS, CH RUS Tatianin Kapriz Degor Briliontar Velikiy X  Bis Grunen Hof Britni Deis O’kelli Light

Gender: bitch
Born: 13.10.2016
Colour: Cream-sable
PL: 0/0
Height: 22 cm
Weight: 2.3 kg

Dana’s beautiful cream colour, great need for love instantly throws everyone’s heart. She throws love bombs to everyone, and softens even the ice hearts with her sweet playfulness.

A.R.Style Gloria Flying Angel (Dana)    EN-summerdog-logo-text-246x60


Éva Schvorczi

Phone: +36 20 911 5793

E-mail: info@summerdog.hu